The final project is a team effort. With your team, you have to identify both a topic and a suitable data set. The project has a written component with several stages. A first due date will be after the first week you work on the project, the final write-up is due the week after the Thanksgiving break.
The presentation part of the projects consists of either a set of slides with a voice-over or a shiny-app that presents your findings. The topic should be within the realm of general knowledge and interest. You may revisit one of the topics from class, but take care to try to explore VERY different aspects of the topic and make sure to also get additional/other sources for your data.
Minimal requirements to the data used for the project are:
The data should have at least 1000 records and several variables (at least 4-5), preferably of different types. This is to ensure, that you will find something of interest in the data.
The data set has to be available to the graders (TA and instructor). At a minimum, the data summaries and findings have to be made available to all members of the course.
A dataset is automatically excluded from consideration for the project, if it has been published in a textbook or on kaggle unless permission by the instructor is granted. In that case, you have to ensure that the exploration is sufficiently different from the textbook discussion.
Tentative schedule
Week of Oct 30
Identify Team, agree on topic and dataset. Submit project idea and data link for feedback (not graded)
Week of Nov 6
Submit outline of exploration for feedback (not graded)
Submit abstract and sign up for presentation slot (for points)